Our club (SCC) is comprised of people who share a love of photography. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography focusing on the many different aspects of “digital” photography.
The club meets 3 to 4 times a month (September through May) to enjoy competitions, critiques, lectures, and comradery. Have a look at our schedule and our images. We also have several special events each year including a holiday party and an end of season awards dinner.
We welcome all levels of photographers; from beginners to advanced, and we enjoy all genres of photography, from wildlife to street; from abstract to landscape. Each level is judged in two formats; black-and-white digital images, and color digital images. We also have a digital creative category for all levels. An approved judge (non-club member) scores and critiques our work each month.
We work in cooperation and conjunction with 5 other local camera clubs in which we can attend other club events and they are offered to attend our events.
Our members also have the opportunity to participate in PFLI – Photographic Federation of Long Island competitions.
Come and join our club or contact us if you’d like more information. We think you will find it a rewarding and enriching experience.